Monday, December 6, 2010

Life and times...

its been a while since i blogged..sumpah lamer gler x seems like i dun have any fresh where do i begin? owh yeah..when i met my girlfwen..huhuhu

it all began a long, long time a go, in a galxy far, far away..huhuhu..actually when we finally finished our willow production. after sweat, tears and blood had been shed.. we started our romantic voyage..ngee~ geli plak..but seriously..i never felt like it before..

she was my love and my is almost a year now..skejap jer rasenye..but what the hell..i had fun n i never felt so loved before..


Lealurvines. said...

sir!!, u kawen t jgn lupa invite we all! hhahah

ItaMon said...
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ItaMon said...

she WAS the love of my life??.mind ur grammar,mister :PP